According to many nutritionists and dieticians, eating fruit with meat at the same time can cause digestion problems. The theory is based on the idea that specific foods create either an alkaline or acidic stomach environment; and this change can make it more difficult for the body to digest foods in an acidic environment if the body normally requires an alkaline environment and vice versa.

The reality is that when people say that the body cannot digest fruit and meat together, it is not really a true statement. The fact is that your body will not be digesting the foods in the same place and at the same time anyway. For instance, when taking a closer look at the digestion process, we find that starches start to digest in the mouth, but they are not completely digested until they pass through the stomach and enter into the small intestine. In addition, fats and proteins will begin to digest in the stomach. However, they remain there for around two hours until they are sent to the small intestine. When it comes to fruit, it will not be digested at all until it reaches the small intestine. Likewise, some of the fruit will not even be digested at all because it is not necessary in order to be expelled from the body.

So, it is not unhealthy per se to eat fruit with meat. The real question is whether you have another issue that prevents you from eating fruit with meat. The key is to listen to your own body. If you are a person who has trouble with stomach reflux, flatulence, cramping, and bloating, then there may be other things going on in your body that are causing these problems such as:

1. Not chewing your food long enough. 
you should focus on chewing your food approximately 30-50 times per mouthful because this will help your food to completely mix with your saliva and aid in proper digestion. So if you are not counting the number of times you chew your food, this may contribute to your digestion problems.


Chips ambayo kwa kawaida hutengenezwa kutokana na viazi mviringo na kukaangwa kwenye mafuta, ni chakula kinachotakiwa kuliwa kwa kiasi kidogo na kwa nadra sana, kwa sababu kiko kwenye kundi la vyakula vyenye mafuta mengi ambavyo huliwa kwa uchache sana. Lakini hali halisi ni kinyume chake.

Kwa kawaida, kuku wengi wanaotumika kwenye biashara ni kuku wa kizungu. Nyama ya kuku hawa haina virutubisho sawa na kuku wa kienyeji. Hii inatokana na ukweli kwamba kuku wa kizungu hulishwa madawa mbalimbali ya kuwakinga na magonjwa na hulishwa vyakula vilivyochanganywa madawa ili wakue upesi.
Kwa mazingira hayo, nyama itokanayo na kuku wa aina hii haiwezi kuwa bora. Kiasili kuku huishi mazingira huru kwa kula vyakula ambavyo hujenga na kuukinga mwili wake dhidi ya magonjwa mbalimbali, kuku wa aina hii ndiye anayefaa kuliwa na kuleta faida ya nyama ya kuku inayokusudiwa. 

Halikadhalika, mayai yanayopatikana kwa wingi mijini ni yale yatokanayo na kuku wa kufuga. Kiasili, mayai ya kuku wa kufuga, hayawezi kuwa sawa na mayai yatokanayo na kuku wa kienyeji. Huhitaji kuwa mwanasayansi kuona tofauti kati ya yai la kuku wa kienyeji na kuku wa kufuga, kwani mayai hayo yakipikwa huwa tofauti kwa ladha na hata rangi.
Ni ukweli ulio wazi kuwa kuku wa kufugwa hulishwa vyakula vya kutengeneza ambavyo ndani yake huwekwa kemikali na madawa mbalimbali, wakati kuku wa kienyeji hula vyakula asili kwa kujitafutia wenyewe na mazingira wanayoishi ndiyo yanayowafanya wawe tofauti na bora. Hivyo ni dhahiri kwamba mayai tunayokula ya kuku wa kizungu yana madhara zaidi kuliko faida mwilini.

Moja ya vinywaji vinavyopendwa na kutumiwa na watu wengi ni pamoja na soda. Matangazo mengi ya biashara yanafanyika kutangaza kinywaji cha soda na kuonesha kuwa ni kinywaji ambacho hakina madhara kabisa kwa mtumiaji. Kwa matangazo hayo na kampeni hizo, familia nyingi zimeamini kuwa soda ni kinywaji bora na hata watoto wetu wamerithishwa imani hii.
Lakini kwa upande wa pili wa kinywaji hiki, siyo kinywaji salama kama ambavyo imekuwa ikielezwa. Siwezi kusema moja kwa moja kuwa mtu huruhusiwi kabisa kunywa soda kama vile ni sumu, lakini watu walitakiwa kuelimishwa na kuelezwa madhara ya kupenda kunywa soda na athari anazoweza kuzipata mtu kiafya. Naamini tahadhari inayotolewa kwa wanywa pombe, hata kwa wanywa soda ilipaswa kutolewa pia.
Utafiti unaonesha kuwa soda, pamoja na vikorombwezo vingine, huwekwa sukari nyingi kiasi kisichopungua vijiko sita katika chupa moja. Kiwango hicho cha sukari ni kingi zaidi ya mara tano ya kile kinachoruhusiwa kwa mtu kutumia kwa siku. Na madhara ya sukari mwilini ni mengi, yakiwemo ya kudhoofisha kinga ya mwili na viungo kwenye sehemu za maungio na pia huongeza uzito wa mwili.
Ukitaka kujua soda ina madhara kiafya, fanya utafiti binafsi na utagundua haya ninayoyaandika. Kunywa soda zisizopungua tatu kwa  muda mfupi, kisha lala usiku kama kawaida halafu wakati wa kuamka asubuhi, usikilize mwili wako. Utaamka ukiwa na maumivu mwili mzima, utajihisi uchovu, hasa sehemu za maungio, mfano wa mtu aliyefanya mazoezi mazito au kazi nzito siku iliyopita. Hiyo ni kutokana na kuingiza kiwango kingi cha sukari mwilini.


men who eat red meat (beef, pork, or lamb) as a main dish five or more times a week have four times greater risk of colon cancer than those that eat these meats less than once a month. This is the result of a broad statistic study conducted at the school of public health at Harvard university (Massachusetts USA). Eating 600gram (1.32 pounds) of red meat-but not white meat (Chicken) or fish-triples the amount of N-nitrous compound in the faces, which explains the carcinogenic effect of red meat on the colon, according to the Medical Research Council of Cambridge (UK). A high intake of animal fat also increases the risk of colon cancer


Digestive disorders
in some sensitive individual, cow's milk acts as irritant to the digestive system, producing a wide variety of disorders, such as:

  • Abdominal pain and other symptoms similar to those of lactose intolerance, without that being the true cause.

  • Constipation and aggravation of irritable bowel (alternating constipation and diarrhea).

  • Gastroduodenal ulcer: currently, liberal use of milk is discourage in cases of ulcer. It has been shown that, although it momentarily relieves acidity, it stimulates a rebound effect resulting in the secretion of even more stomach acid. There are studies that relate milk consumption with stomach and duodenal ulcers.

  • Intestinal hemorrhage:  It has been demonstrated that cow's milk can produce inflammation and small intestinal hemorrhages in nursing infants, which may cause anemia due to blood loss.

Anemia liberal user, of milk may cause anemia because, since it satisfies the appetite, there is a tendency not to eat enough of other foods rich in iron.

Various studies  demonstrate that infants that have been fed cow's milk are at greater risk insulin-dependent diabetes from childhood. this type of diabetes, known as type 1," requires daily insulin injections.
The risk is up to 50% greater when infants younger than four mouths are fed cow's milk. It seems that cow's milk produces an autoimmune allergic reaction in the beta cells of the pancreas where insulin is secreted.
however, not all studies agree. A study conducted at the University of Colorado (USA) concluded that no relationship exists between the early consumption of cow's milk and the autoimmune destruction of pancreatic beta cells.

Galactose, one of the simple sugars that make up lactose or milk sugar, can cause the lens of eyes to become opaque (cataracts) in sensitive individual.The habitual adult use of milk may be one of the cause of cataracts in certain individuals.      


 prevention is better than cure follow diet that is profitable in the body
poor diet is the source of disease
avoid life's of going to hospital every time
eating natural food for
long life
health life
happy life


drink orange juice before breakfast on one day; and lemon juice before breakfast the next day; and then alternate these each day.

BREAKFAST: two apples and two oranges, or similar seasonal fruits. prepare a special healing tea by boiling a cup of water and adding a handful of thyme. Let the tea boil for three minutes and cool it before drinking it.

LUNCH: Tossed salad made of lettuce, carrots, and olives. Season with lime, vegetable or olive oil, and a little salt. baked potato or piece of pumpkin.

DINNER: Fruit or raw vegetable, healing tea after seven days, add a baked potato or steamed vegetables to the salad for lunch, along with a light soup made of cereals or vegetable. Welcome Joflo health reformation center for more information


Hizi ni baadhi ya faida ambazo unaweza kuzipata kwa kula papai au kunywa juisi yake
Papai lina fibrin ambayo hupunguza kuganda kwa damu
Fibrin inaweza kuzuia kiharusi
Lycopene iliyomo katika papai inaweza kupunguza hatari ya kansa ya kibofu
Mbegu za papai hutibu homa ya matumbo (typhoid)
Juisi ya papai huondoa sumu mwilini
Juisi ya papai hutibu vyema shinikizo la damu
Juisi ya papai husaidia kuzuia magonjwa ya moyo
Juisi ya papai ina folate, vitamini C na E ambavyo huzuia saratani ya utumbo.
Juisi ya papai hujenga kinga ya mwili


The normal state of the body is complete health, which includes every necessary so a person can freely perform his normal activities. Every living creature is governed by certain unchanging principles which regulate vital functions. The body’s normal performance “health” depends on the faithfulness with which those principles are followed. Obviously, then, good health is almost totally every individual’s responsibility. 

Transgressing the natural laws of life causes the body to be out of balance, to greater or lesser degree, which is the opposite of health. The human body can patiently endure a great deal of mistreatment without showing any immediate reaction; but sooner or later the effects are bound to come out. This is what we know as disease. 

 If a person comes to this unfortunate state, he or she should try to find out what has caused the problem. 

The he will be able to use the means at hand to correct the immediate situation and figure out how to avoid having the same thing happen again. The natural means available to us include: sunlight, water, earth, air, healthful food, exercise, rest, and faith in God, always keeping in mind that every therapy has a particular scope and method. Briefly stated our physical life encompasses a dual process eating thing and then eliminating those things. 

Life is sustained as the body user a small fraction of the substances it takes in and then gets rid of the useless remainder and waste produced in the body’s operation the normal cycle of those function is what makes a person health, while a disruption of that cycle makes him ill. 

The degree to which health has been disrupted allows us to see patterns among people who are sick. It is not just those who contract “diseases” who are lacking in health. We can group illnesses as follows: 

1. CONGENITAL ILLNESS. Sometimes babies do not develop properly in their mother’s womb, and they are born with birth defects. Different factor can cause this, including the mother’s or father’s not receiving adequate nourishment, or either parent’s use of tobacco, alcohol, or drugs. Sometimes birth defects are genetic-a defective gene inherited from a parent or a gene being damaged in the process of baby’s development. Unfortunately, it is rare for such children ever to be totally well.

2. ACUTE ILLNESS. When a person develops an illness that does not last very long, improvement is needed in one or more main systems of the body, especially those related to nutrition and elimination. Such illness usually goes away quickly when natural healing methods are applied in time.

3. CHRONIC ILLNESS. When a person remains sick for a long period of time, it can lead to permanent damage to one or more organs of the body. Improvement can begin only if the chronic condition can be changed into an acute one and then be treated with natural remedies

Chakula ni dawa endapo ukitumia vyakula ambavyo ni halisia

CHAKULA ni dawa, lakini chaweza kuwa sumu pia. Katika makala yetu ya leo tunazungumzia namna ambavyo chakula kimekuwa chanzo cha maradhi mengi sugu yanayotusumbua binadamu hivi sasa.
Vijana wengi wanapoteza uhai wakiwa bado vijana, maradhi kama shinikizo la damu (presha), saratani, kiharusi, kisukari, magonjwa ya miguu na migongo, yamekuwa sawa na ni wimbo wa taifa.
Asilimia kubwa ya magonjwa yanayotusumbua, kama vile shinikizo la damu (Low and High Blood Pressure), Magonjwa ya moyo (Cardiovascular diseases), saratani (cancer), ambayo ndiyo mengi, yanatokana na vyakula tunavyokula kila siku au tunavyoacha kula kama inayotakiwa.

Ukiangalia katika muongozo wa vyakula (Food Guide Pyramid) ambao unatuonesha kundi lipi la vyakula tunatakiwa kula kwa wingi na kundi lipi tunatakiwa kula kidogo, katika maisha halisi tuliyonayo, utaona muongozo huo umegeuzwa, miguu juu, kichwa chini.

Hii ina maana kwamba vyakula ambavyo tunapaswa kula kwa wingi tunakula kidogo au kwa nadra sana na vyakula ambavyo tunapaswa kula kidogo na kwa nadra ndiyo tunakula kwa wingi na karibu kila siku.

Katika muongozo huo wa vyakula, ambao unatambuliwa na Shirika la Afya Duniani (WHO) pamoja na Shirika la Chakula na Kilimo (FAO), unaorodhesha vyakula vitokanavyo na nafaka kama vile mchele, ngano, mahindi, uwele, mtama, n.k, kama vyakula tunavyotakiwa kuvipa kipaumbele katika milo yetu ya kila siku kwa kuvila kwa wingi.

Tukizungumzia maisha ya Kitanzania, vyakula maarufu vitokanavyo na nafaka hizo, ambavyo vinatumiwa na familia nyingi ni ugali, wali, mikate, tambi, makande, uji, n.k. Uzoefu unaonesha kuwa familia nyingi za Kitanzania zinatumia ugali, wali na mikate, uji karibu kila siku katika milo yao, lakini tambi, kande na vingine vya jamii hiyo, huliwa mara moja moja.

Ikiwa familia nyingi zinakula ugali, wali, mikate na maharage kila siku kama muongozo wa vyakula unavyotukata, tatizo liko wapi? Tatizo lipo, tena kubwa na familia nyingi zinaathirika nalo kwa kukosa elimu ya kutosha kuhusu vyakula wanavyokula. Kweli wanakula ugali, mikate, lakini VIMECHAKACHULIWA!

Familia nyingi zinapopika ugali zinatumia unga mweupe, wenyewe wanaita sembe safi nyeupe, wakiamini kwamba huo ndiyo unga bora wakati siyo kweli.
Ili upate faida ya nafaka kwa kula ugali, ni lazima iwe nafaka ambayo haijaondolewa viini lishe vyake na ili vipatikane viini lishe hivyo, mahindi hayatakiwi kukobolewa bali yanatakiwa kusafishwa na kusagwa hivyohivyo.
Halikadhalika mtama na uwele.
Mahindi yaliyosagwa bila kukobolewa ndiyo yanayotoa unga safi na bora kiafya, unga huo ndiyo unaojulikana kama dona.
Kwa kutumia unga huo, iwe kwa kupika ugali au uji, utakuwa umepata faida ya kula vyakula vitokanavyo na nafaka kama inavyoagizwa kwenye muongozo wa vyakula. Ulaji wa ugali ama uji uliotokana na sembe nyeupe ni sawa na kula chakula kilichochakachuliwa!
Kama ilivyo kwenye ugali, tatizo hilo lipo pia kwenye mikate inayotumiwa na familia nyingi mijini karibu kila siku. Mikate inayoliwa na watu wengi ni hii inayotengenezwa kutokana na nafaka ya ngano, lakini kwa bahati mbaya nayo huwa imechakachuliwa na kukosa faida ya ngano kiafya.

Mkate unaopendwa na kuliwa sana ni mkate mweupe, huu hutengenezawa kutokana na ngano iliyokobolewa na kwa maana hiyo kiafya hauna ubora, kwa sababu viini lishe vyake vimeondolewa na mbaya zaidi hutiwa sukari kunogesha ladha.
Licha ya kasoro hiyo, mkate mweupe umeendelea kuwa chaguo la kwanza na mlo wa kwanza katika familia nyingi duniani.

Ingawa kuna aina mbili ya mikate, lakini aina moja ndiyo inayopendwa na watu wengi zaidi kuliko aina nyingine ambayo hutengenezwa kutokana na ngano isiyokobolewa, aina hii huitwa mkate mweusi au ‘brown bread’

Orodha ya baadhi ya vyakula maarufu vinavyopatikana kwenye ‘supermarket’ na maduka mengine ya bidhaa za vyakula, ambavyo hununuliwa na watu wengi bila kujua madhara yanayowakabili kwa kutumia vyakula hivyo mara kwa mara
Katika makala ya leo, nakuletea orodha ya baadhi ya vyakula maarufu vinavyopatikana kwenye ‘supermarket’ na maduka mengine ya bidhaa za vyakula, ambavyo hununuliwa na watu wengi bila kujua madhara yanayowakabili kwa kutumia vyakula hivyo mara kwa mara.
Nyanya kama ilivyo haina madhara, lakini namna inavyohifadhiwa ndiko kunakoiharibu na kuifanya kuwa na madhara kwa afya yako. Ili iweze kukaa kwa muda mrefu, ni lazima iwekewe kemikali na kopo la kuhifadhiwa nalo, lazima liwekewe kemikali za kulifanya lisipate kutu.
Vitu hivyo havibaki kwenye kopo wakati wa kuitoa nyanya, bali hutoka na nyanya na mwisho huingia jikoni na kuliwa. Hivyo nyanya ya kopo inaharibika na kuwa hatari kwa afya yako kutokana na kuwekewa kemikali za kuhifadhi. Katika mazingira ya kitanzania ambapo nyanya halisi zipo nyingi hadi zinaoza, huna sababu ya kula nyanya za kopo na uache nyanya halisi.
Nyama za kopo (beef) nayo inaingia kwenye orodha ya vyakula hatari vya supermaket kutokana na kuwekewa kemilaki na chumvi nyingi ili kuifanya ikae kwa muda mrefu bila kuharibika. Ukiacha dosari hiyo, nyama nyingi za makopo, hutokana na ng’ombe wa kufugwa ambao huishi kwa kulishwa nafaka badala ya nyasi na hulishwa madawa mbalimbali ambayo huhatarisha afya ya mlaji.
Nyama bora na yenye kukidhi faida za kiafya ni ile inayotokana na ng’ombe wanaofugwa katika mazingira ya kula nyasi na mimea asilia (organic farming). Kwa mazingira ya kitanzania, huna sababu ya kununua nyama za kopo wakati nyama ipo nyingi buchani. Pia elewa kwamba hata katika nchi zilizoendelea, hivi sasa zinapiga vita ulaji wa nyama za makopo na badala yake zinahimiza ulaji wa nyama ‘fresh’ na wanaofugwa kiasili.
Imebainika kuwa kuna ‘viazi ulaya’, maziwa na samaki feki ambao wanapatikana kwa wingi katika ‘supermaket’ nyingi nchini. Imeelezwa kuwa ulimaji wa kisasa wa mazao mengi, vikiwemo viazi hutumia madawa ya kuongeza ukubwa wa mazao kwa teknolijia inayojulikana kama GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms).
Teknolojia hiyo, ambayo kwa sasa inapigwa vita sana dunia nzima, hulifanya zao kuwa kubwa na kuonekana bora kuliko kawaida kwa kutumia ‘madawa’ ambayo yana madhara kwa mlaji. Chips na crips nyingi zinazouzwa supermarket hutengenezwa kutokana viazi vinavyolimwa kwa teknolijia hiyo.
Hali hiyo haiko kwenye mazao tu, bali pia iko kwenye samaki na maziwa. Samaki tunaouziwa ni wale wa kufugwa ambao hulishwa vyakula vya kutengenezwa ili kuwafanya wazaane kwa wingi na kuwa wanene.
Halikadhalika, maziwa mengi ya paketi hutokana na ng’ombe wa kufugwa ambao nao inaelezwa kuwa hulishwa madawa ya kuwawezesha kutoa maziwa kwa wingi na hulishwa vyakula vitokanavyo na nafaka kama vile pumba na mahindi, badala ya nyasi kama ilivyo asili yake.
suala la kuchagua chakula kilichobora unapoenda supermarket ni jambo jema, kwani huko kuna vyakula vingi vizuri na vyenye manufaa kwa afya yako, lakini pia kuna vyakula hatari iwapo utaenda kununua kwa kufuata utamaduni wa kimagharibi kwa kuamini kila kinachoingizwa kutoka nje ndiyo bora.

Wengi wanafikiria kuwa unene ni fahari, heshima, lakini huenda wanasahau au hawajui madhara mengi ambayo yamejificha nyuma yake

Pamoja na watu wengi kupenda vyakula vya namna hii, inaelezwa na watalaamu kuwa vikizidi ni hatari kwa kuwa husababisha madhara mbalimbali mwilini.   
Imekuwa ikidhaniwa kuwa unene wa mwili ni kufanikiwa kiuchumi au kuukata, kumbe sivyo.  Uchunguzi wa kitaalamu unaonyesha kuwa watu wanene wapo katika hatari ya kupata maradhi ya kiharusi, kisukari na ugonjwa wa moyo.
Matumizi ya baadhi ya vyakula na kutokujua chakula gani wale na kwa wakati gani bado ni tatizo.
Baadhi yao hula vyakula hivyo usiku,  bila kujua athari kuwa vinazidisha unene na kuhatarisha maisha.
Wataalamu wanaeleza kuwa baadhi ya vyakula vikiliwa usiku husababisha athari kwa afya za watumiaji wake.
Athari kubwa zaidi ni kuongezeka uzito bila mpangilio, kukosa usingizi na kulala kama mfu kutokana na tumbo kujaa, vilevile kulala kwa usingizi wenye kukatikakatika, kujisaida haja ndogo kila mara. Madaktari na wataalamu wengine wa afya wanashauri kwamba ili kujiepusha na athari hizi ni vyema watu wanene wakatumia matunda, mbogamboga au vyakula vingine ambavyo vina kalori na mafuta kidogo au visiwe navyo kabisa.
Hivi ni baadhi ya vyakula ambavyo si vizuri kula wakati wa kwenda kulala kwa watu wanene na wenye uzito mkubwa.
Vyakula vilivyoandaliwa kwa mafuta mengi
Hii ni aina ya chakula ambacho hupaswi kula usiku kwa sababu havikufanyi ujisikie uchovu na uvivu asubuhi ya siku inayofuata, bali pia humpa msukosuko mtumiaji wa kwenda kujisaidia mara kwa mara.
Pamoja na vyakula vya mafuta, ice cream  ni tatizo kwa kuwa ukila sukari unaongezeka uzito bila sababu, pia hujipa msukosuko wakati wa kulala kwa kuwa baada ya muda huyeyuka na kuzaa tatizo nyingine. Aina hii ya vyakula husababisha magonjwa  ya kiharusi, kisukari na ugonjwa wa moyo.
Kabohaidreti (wanga) kwa wingi au vyakula vyenye sukari kupitiliza
Kundi hili ndilo ambalo watu wengi hulichanganya kwa kuamini kuwa tambi ‘supagheti’ ni chakula chepesi kuliwa usiku, kitu ambacho si sahihi.
Tambi ni moja ya vyakula ambavyo havipaswi kuliwa usiku kwani ina wanga mwingi ambao kutokana na kulala hakisagiki na kinaweza kuziba mirija ya damu na kusababisha madhara kwa mtumiaji.
Kipande kidogo cha keki kinaweza kuwa kizuri kwa mtumiaji, lakini akizidisha siyo nzuri kutokana na kuwa na sukari nyingi. Vilevile mkate mweupe uepukwe una wanga mwingi.
Nyama nyekundu na vyakula vyenye protini nyingi
Kula nyama nyekundu usiku kunamfanya mhusika asipate usingizi mzuri kwa kuwa tumbo linashindwa kusaga vyakula vigumu uwapo usingizini.
Kama ni lazima  kula nyama, basi ni vyema ikawa ni nyama nyeupe kama vile kuku na samaki na kuepuka vyakula vyenye protini. Ikishindikana, basi  glasi ya maziwa ya moto inaweza kukidhi haja bila kuwa na madhara.
Vyakula vyenye viungo vingi
Hupaswi kula vyakula vya aina hii kwa kuwa vina kemikali ambayo inaweza kukukosesha usingizi.
Kwa kawaida, kahawa ina kafeini ambayo inaweza kusababisha usumbufu wakati wa kulala kwani hata dawa zenye kafeini hapaswi kupewa mgonjwa mwenye matatizo ya kulala.
Vivyo hivyo, kwa asiyekuwa mgonjwa ina madhara pia hapa hata soda ambazo zina kafeini, pia zinasababisha mtumiaji kukosa usingizi wa kutosha, hivyo kushindwa kufanya mambo katika mpangilio maalumu siku inayofuata.
Mtaalamu  wa masuala ya chakula na lishe, Pazi Mwinyimvua anasema kuwa kama ni lazima kunywa kahawa, basi iwe ni saa tano au nne kabla ya kwenda kulala.
Pazi anasema kuwa kuna baadhi ya vitu vina madhara kwa mtumiaji bila kujua kutokana na kuwa na mazoea ya kutumia kitu hicho ambapo matokeo yake madhara yake huwa ni mhusika kupata tatizo la kukosa usingizi.
Kula chakula kingi
Madhara ya kula chakula kingi ni mengi, mojawapo ni kukosa usingizi kutokana na kushiba kupita kiasi.
Athari za kufanya hivi ni pamoja na kuukosesha mwili uwezo wa kusaga chakula kwa kuwa utakuwa umeshiba sana na mwili umepumzika.
“Ukiwa katika hali hii hata usingizi unakuwa ni wa shaka kwa kuwa unakuwa umeshiba sana, lakini hicho chakula hakifanyi kazi ipasavyo na ndiyo maana ni rahisi kuongezeka uzito, hakimeng’enyeki kwa urahisi,” anasema Pazi.
 Vyakula vilivyokaangwa
Vyakula hivi husababisha kiu, hivyo humlazimu mtumiaji kunywa maji mengi na kumlazimisha kwenda msalani mara kwa mara.
Pazi anasema mwili unahitaji kupumzika kwa kulala kwa saa sita hadi nane ili ufanye kazi na mhusika akiamka aanze upya.
“Kkubwa hapa ni kupunguza kula vyakula ambavyo vitahitaji maji au vyenye maji maji kuepuka kwenda msalani mara kwa mara au kuamka
Kunywa pombe saa chahe kabla ya kulala au kunywa na kulala huku ukiwa nazo kichwani hata kama hujalewa siyo nzuri kiafya kwa kuwa huufanya mwili kulala kama mzigo hivyo inakuwa siyo kupumzika bali kulazimika kulala kwa ulevi.
Mtaalamu mmoja wa lishe anasema kuwa mwili unahitaji kupumzika ukiwa huru na siyo kulazimishwa na kilevi, kwani kupumzika ni pamoja na kufahamu sasa naenda kupumzika na mwili unauandaa kwa ajili hiyo, lakini ukiwa umelewa hali kama hiyo haipo.
Daktari Bingwa wa Magonjwa ya Ndani (Mfumo wa Chakula), Dk Raymond Mwenesano wa Hospitali ya Taifa ya Muhimbili (MNH) anasema kuwa kwa kawaida mwili wa binadamu unapohitaji mapumziko au unapofika muda wa  kupumzika inabidi uwe huru kwa maana ya kuwa katika hali ya kawaida, hususan sehemu za ndani kama tumbo.
Anasema kuwa kama utapumzika huku ukiwa na vitu vya ziada ambavyo vitakuwa na usumbufu kwako kama kushiba, kulewa unakosa ile dhana nzima ya kupumzika na matokeo yake ni kutimiza wajibu wa kulala na si kulala kwa ajili ya kupata mapumziko.
Mariam Rashid, ambaye ni mnene kiwajihi anasema kuwa tangu aanze kupunguza kula vyakula vyenye wanga wakati wa usiku amepungua uzito kwani alikuwa ni lazima ale wali au chapati usiku na kujikuta ana uzito mkubwa akashauriwa na daktari kupunguza uzito na kwa kuanza alianza kupunguza kula na kushiba usiku ikiwemo kuacha vyakula vyenye wanga.
“Nakula matunda na mboga mboga kabla ya kulala na huu ni ushauri niliopewa na daktari wakati ambapo nilikuwa na uzito mkubwa ilikuwa karibu kilo 70 wakati urefu wangu ni futi tano, ilikuwa ni hatari na daktari alinikemea na kunitaka nipungue kwa kuwa nilikuwa nimeshaanza kupata tatizo la miguu na kukosa usingizi,” anasema.
Mtaalamu wa masuala ya Saikolojia wa Chuo Kikuu cha Dodoma, Modesta Kamongi amesema kuwa si tu unene unaohatarisha afya ya mhusika, bali pia humfanya asijiamini.
Anasema ni vyema kila mmoja akawa na mwili wa wastani kwani mara nyingi wamekuwa wakipata malalamiko kwa watu wanene hujichukia na kutaka wapatiwe ushauri wa jinsi ya kukabiliana na wale wanaowatania.

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KISUKARI ni moja ya magonjwa yanayoathiri watu wengi siku hizi nchini mwetu na hata nje.
Kati ya hao, wengi huishi na ugonjwa huo kwa muda mrefu na kuja kugundua kwamba wana
kisukari baada ya muda wa kama miaka mitano hivi, baada ya mwili kuanza kuonesha dalili kuu za kisukari.
Ndani ya kipindi hicho cha miaka mitano, tayari mwili unakuwa umepoteza baadhi ya uwezo wake katika macho, figo, fizi na neva za fahamu. Kisukari hakina dawa ya kutibu kabisa, bali vipo vichocheo (hormone) na dawa zinazosaidia kurekebisha kiwango cha sukari mwilini.
Je, vipi mtu aweza kutambua kuwa na kisukari mwilini? Zipo dalili kadhaa zinazotokea kwa
wenye kisukari. Baadhi ya hizo ni kiu ya maji isiyoisha, njaa kali, kwenda haja ndogo mara kwa mara na vidonda au michubuko kuchukua muda mrefu kupona.
Nyingine ni ngozi kuwa kavu na kuwasha, mgonjwa kupoteza uzito bila sababu, kuwa na ukungu machoni, kuchoka kusiko kwa kawaida, hisia kupungua katika vidole na viganja
mikononi na miguuni na kuwa na ukungu katika fizi, ngozi na kibofu cha mkojo.
Hatua za mwanzo za kisukari huwa na dalili chache sana, hivyo inawezekana kabisa mtu asifahamu kuwa ana kisukari, ingawaje madhara yanaweza kuwa yameshatokea katika macho, figo na mfumo wa usukumaji damu mwilini.
Watu wengi wanaopatwa na kisukari huangukia katika makundi ya wenye umri unaozidi miaka 30, uzito mkubwa na uzito uliokithiri (uwiano kati ya uzito na urefu zaidi ya 25 na 30),
kadhalika, watu wasiofanya shughuli za kuupa mwili mazoezi huwa katika hatari hiyo, kama
ilivyo kwa wale wanaozaliwa katika familia ambayo mmoja kati ya wanandugu wa karibu ana kisukari. Mwanamke kujifungua mtoto mwenye uzito wa zaidi ya kilo nne na aliyekuwa na kisukari cha ujauzito anaangukia pia kwenye kundi hilo, sawa na wale wanaokuwa wamepata ajali na kuumia sehemu za tumboni au kula chakula chenye sumu ambacho kinaweza kuumiza
Upo umuhimu wa kupima kisukari mapema basi, ili kuepuka mtu kuishi nacho kwa muda mrefu pasipo kujua, na kusababisha madhara kusambaa mwilini na kumwathiri mwathirika.
Ni muhimu kuzingatia mazoezi, uzito, lishe na ushauri wa wataalamu wa afya, kwa sababu husaidia kupunguza makali na madhara yatokanayo na kisukari.
Watu wenye kisukari wapo katika hatari zaidi ya kupatwa na magonjwa ya moyo, kiharusi, matatizo na kuharibika kwa kibofu cha mkojo, shinikizo la juu la damu, upofu, kufa neva za fahamu, uharibifu katika fizi na ugonjwa wa fangasi.
Mtu anapokuwa na kisukari, mzunguko wa damu miguuni hupungua na hii ndiyo sababu kubwa ya kufa kwa neva za fahamu na hivyo mtu kukosa hisia katika eneo hilo la mwili.
Matokeo ya hali hiyo ya kutohisi punde mtu anapodhurika na kusababisha kidonda ambacho mara nyingi mhusika anakuwa hafahamu hadi anapofahamishwa na mtu wa karibu au atakapokagua miguu yake.
Hii ndiyo sababu kubwa ya watu kushauriwa kukagua miguu yao kila siku kabla ya kulala kuona kama kuna mchubuko wa aina yoyote au ukucha unaoweza kuchimba ngozi. Kutokuzingatia masharti ya kujikagua huweza kusababisha kidonda kukua, kutotibika na hatimaye mgonjwa kuishia kupoteza kidole, unyayo au hata mguu.
Vile vile, kutokuzingatia masharti ya kujua kiwango cha sukari mwilini huweza kusababisha mtu akapoteza fahamu kutokana na mwili kuzidiwa sukari asidi (diabetic ketoacidosis), na hii huweza kusababisha kifo mara moja.
Mgonjwa anaweza kuzuia madhara yatokanayo na kisukari kwa kuzingatia maelekezo, masharti na ushauri wa wahudumu wa afya, hasa kuhusu chakula na mazoezi na maelekezo ya utumiaji sahihi wa dawa au insulin.
Mgonjwa hatakiwi kuvuta sigara, awe anapima kiwango chake cha shinikizo la damu mara kwa mara na kuhakikisha kiwango chake cha lehemu kipo katika uwiano unaotakiwa. Takwimu zinaonesha kuwa uzingatiaji wa hayo yaliyotajwa umesaidia watu wengi kupunguza madhara
ya kisukari kwa asilimia 75.
Lishe mahsusi kwa mtu mwenye kisukari ni mlo wenye kiwango kidogo sana cha mafuta, kiwango kidogo cha chumvi na kiwango kidogo cha sukari. Mlo uwe na mchanganyiko wa
nyuzinyuzi kama vile dona (unga wa mahindi yasiyokobolewa), nafaka, tambi, ndizi za kupika, mtama, uwele nk.
Vile vile matunda machachu na mboga za majani zilimwazo na zile za porini ziliwazo kama mchunga, tembele, majani ya maboga, majani ya kunde na mbilimbi. Ni vyema kujitahidi kula kiasi kidogo cha chakula walau mara tano kwa siku kuliko mlo mkubwa mara mbili au tatu kwa siku.
Isipokuwa kwa sababu zisizozuilika, mgonjwa asiache kula, kwani ni mbaya kwa utendaji kazi wa mwili. Katika kudhibiti kiwango cha sukari mwilini, ni muhimu mwathirika kupata maelekezo yahusuyo njia na jinsi ya kupima na kujua kiwango cha kawaida cha sukari mwilini.
Watu wengi wenye kisukari huwapasa kutumia aina ya insulin kabla ya kula chakula kulingana na kiasi cha wanga ulio kwenye chakula anachotarajia kula. Kupima wingi wa wanga katika
chakula husaidia kupanga mlo.
Kujitambua wakati kiwango cha sukari kikiwa juu kupindukia ni kwa kupima damu angalau mara tatu kwa siku, ikiwa ni pamoja na kabla ya kwenda kulala. Mara nyingi watu hupima asubuhi au alfajiri wanapoamka, mchana wa adhuhuri au alasiri na jioni au usiku kabla ya kulala.
Ikiwa sukari mwilini ni nyingi kupindukia, inaweza kumlazimu mgonjwa kutumia insulin ya ziada inayofanya kazi ndani ya muda mfupi (short acting insulin) ili kurejesha kiasi cha sukari
katika kiwango cha kawaida.
Mgonjwa atafahamishwa na mhudumu wa afya au daktari kuhusu kiwango cha insulin cha kutumia kulingana na wingi wa sukari aliyo nayo mwilini kwa wakati huo. Licha ya kuwapo wingi wa sukari mwilini, kuna kisukari ambacho mgonjwa huwa na upungufu wake pia.
Matumizi yasiyo sahihi ya insulin au kutokula chakula husababisha kiwango cha sukari kwenye
damu kupungua kuliko kawaida na hivyo mwili kushindwa kufanya kazi yake ipasavyo.
Dalili za hali hiyo ni kuhisi uchovu bila sababu, kupiga miayo kupindukia, kushindwa kuzungumza au kufikiri vyema, kupoteza stamina, kutoka jasho, kupata vichomi, degedege karibu na kuzimia, kuhisi kuishiwa nguvu au pamoja na kuzimia na mwili kupauka.
Mtu akipatwa dalili hizo inabidi atafute kinywaji kitamu anywe. Aina ya vinywaji vifaavyo ni kama juisi ya matunda (nanasi, zabibu, tufaa, papai ) vile vile soda (si diet soda) au alambe kiasi cha sukari nyepesi (glucose) au pipi.
Baadhi ya maeneo huuza vidonge vya glucagon, ambavyo ni vizuri kubebwa na kuhifadhiwa nyumbani kwa matumizi ya nyakati kama hizo. Glucagon pia hupatikana katika njia ya sindano na hii inaweza kutolewa na mtaalamu au mtu aliyeruhusiwa kuitoa kupitia kwenye mishipa ya
damu (intravenous glucagon injection).
Inawezekana kuishi maisha ya kawaida kabisa ikiwa mhusika atakuwa makini kulinda afya yake
kwa kuzingatia ushauri na mafundisho ya wataalamu wa afya


The scene of Christ's temptation was to be a lesson for all his followers. When the enemies of Christ, by the instigation of Satan, request them to show some miracle, they should answer them as meekly as the Son of God answered Satan, "It is written, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God." If they will not be convinced by inspired testimony, a manifestation of God's power would not benefit them. God's wondrous works are not manifested to gratify the curiosity of any. Christ, the Son of God, refused to give Satan any proof of his power. He made no effort to remove Satan's "if," by showing a miracle. The disciples of Christ will be brought into similar positions. Unbelievers will require them to do some miracle, if they believe God's special power is in the church, and that they are the chosen people of God. Unbelievers, who are afflicted with infirmities, will require them to work a miracle upon them, if God is with them. Christ's followers should imitate the example of their Lord. Jesus, with his divine power, did not do any mighty works for Satan's diversion. Neither can the servants of Christ. They should refer the unbelieving to the written, inspired testimony for evidence of their being the loyal people of God, and heirs of salvation.


Sausages kill, new study warns While Tanzanians are getting increasingly fond of sausages, a recent research has linked them with early deaths from cancer and heart diseases.People who regularly eat a helping of more 160 grammes – the equivalent of about three sausages – have much greater chance of dying prematurely compared to those who don’t touch the delicacy, the study , based on findings in 10 European countries, point out.


      Our Redeemer, laying aside his glory and majesty, to take human nature, and to die man's sacrifice, was a miracle of God. It was God's wise arrangement to save fallen man. God requires his people to be laborers together with him. He requires them to abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul, and present their bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is the only service he will accept from reasonable mortals. Jesus has stooped very low in order to reach man in his low estate. And God requires of man to make earnest efforts, and deny self, that he may preserve his vigor of mind, and elevate himself, and imitate the example of him in whom was no guile. Then will he be benefited with the atonement of Christ. As the Lord bade faithful Noah before the flood, Come thou, and all thy house, into the ark, he will, previous to the time of trouble, say to his faithful saints, who have been preparing for translation, "Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee. Hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. For, behold, the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity. The earth, also, shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain."

      Christ took not on him the nature of angels, but the nature of man, that he might acquaint himself with the temptations with which he was beset, and help man in his fallen state, and by his own humiliation and death elevate men to become heirs with him to his Father's kingdom. Christ endured the strongest temptations of Satan, that he might experience in himself the severest conflict which the children of men would have with the fallen foe, and that he might sustain those who should come to him for strength in their temptations.

      Satan caused the fall of the first Adam, and he boasted to the angels that he should succeed with the second Adam, Jesus Christ, by approaching him through the appetite. Before Christ entered upon his ministry, Satan commenced his series of temptations. He knew that he could lead astray through the appetite sooner than in any other way. Eve fell in consequence of appetite when she had every kind of fruit good to satisfy her wants. Christ suffered a long fast of forty days, and endured the keenest hunger. Satan came to him with his series of temptations while thus weak and suffering, tempting him to do a miracle for his own sake, to appease his hunger, and by so doing give him evidence that he was the Son of God. "And when the tempter came to him, he said, if thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread." Christ answered him with Scripture. "It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Christ refers to his Father's law. The words of God spoken from Sinai are the conditions of life. These words obeyed will give man again free access to the tree of life, that our first parents forfeited all right to by disobedience. Their transgression made it needful for Christ to come to reconcile fallen man to God by his own death.


 Some animals that are brought to the slaughter seem to realize by instinct what is to take place, and they become furious, and literally mad. They are killed while in that state, and their flesh prepared for market. Their meat is poison, and has produced, in those who have eaten it, cramp, convulsions, apoplexy, and sudden death. Yet the cause of all this suffering is not attributed to the meat. Some animals are inhumanly treated while being brought to the slaughter They are literally tortured, and after they have endured many hours of extreme suffering, are butchered. Swine have been prepared for market even while the plague was upon them, and their poisonous flesh has spread contagious diseases, and great mortality has followed.
The body, which God calls his temple, should be preserved in as healthy a condition as possible. Many act as though they had a right to treat their own bodies as they please. They do not realize that God has claims upon them. They are required to glorify him in their bodies and spirits, which are his. While they give themselves up to the gratification of unhealthy appetites, and thus bring disease upon themselves, they cannot render to God acceptable service. None should remain in ignorance of God's claims. All his promises are on conditions of obedience. All should work for themselves. They should do that which God requires them to do, and not leave God to do for them that which he has left for them to do. It is a sacred duty which God has enjoined upon reasonable beings, formed in his image, to keep that image in as perfect a state as possible. Those who bring disease upon themselves, by self-gratification, have not healthy bodies and minds. They cannot weigh the evidences of truth, and comprehend the requirements of God. Our Saviour will not reach his arm low enough to raise such from their degraded state, while they persist in pursuing a course to sink themselves still lower.
All are required to do what they can to preserve healthy bodies, and sound minds. If they will gratify a gross appetite, and by so doing blunt their sensibilities, and becloud their perceptive faculties so that they cannot appreciate the exalted character of God, or delight in the study of his Word, they may be assured that God will not accept their unworthy offering any sooner than that of Cain. God requires them to cleanse themselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of the Lord. After man has done all in his power to insure health, by the denying of appetite and gross passions, that he may possess a healthy mind, and a sanctified imagination, that he may render to God an offering in righteousness, then he is saved alone by a miracle of God's mercy, as was the ark upon the stormy billows. Noah had done all that God required of him in making the ark secure, then God performed that which man could not do, and preserved the ark by his miraculous power.


Many have expected that God would keep them from sickness merely because they have asked him to do so. But God did not regard their prayers, because their faith was not made perfect by works. God will not work a miracle to keep those from sickness who have no care for themselves, but are continually violating the laws of health, and make no efforts to prevent disease. When we do all we can on our part to have health, then may we expect that the blessed results will follow, and we can ask God in faith to bless our efforts for the preservation of health. He will then answer our prayer, if his name can be glorified thereby. But let all understand that they have a work to do. God will not work in a miraculous manner to preserve the health of persons who are taking a sure course to make themselves sick, by their careless inattention to the laws of health.
      Those who will gratify their appetite, and then suffer because of their intemperance, and take drugs to relieve them, may be assured that God will not interpose to save health and life which is so recklessly periled. The cause has produced the effect. Many, as their last resort, follow the directions in the word of God, and request the prayers of the elders of the church for their restoration to health. God does not see fit to answer prayers offered in behalf of such, for he knows that if they should be restored to health, they would again sacrifice it upon the altar of unhealthy appetite.
      There is a class of invalids who have no real located disease. But as they believe they are dangerously diseased, they are in reality invalids. The mind is diseased, and many die who might recover of disease, which exists alone in the imagination. If such could have their minds diverted from themselves, from noticing every poor feeling, they would soon improve. Inactivity will cause disease. And to this the indulgence of unhealthy appetite, and drug-taking, and those who had no real located disease will become invalids in very deed. They make themselves so. If such would engage in cheerful, healthy labor, they would rise above poor feelings. Even if they should become very weary at times it would not hurt them. As they would accustom themselves to healthy, active labor, the mind would be occupied, and not find time to dwell upon every ache and pain.
      If invalids would dispense with medicines of every description, and improve their habits of eating, and exercise as much as possible in the open air, their names would soon be dropped from the invalid list. The power of the will is a mighty soother of the nerves, and can resist much disease, simply by not yielding to ailments, and settling down into a state of inactivity. Those who have but little force, and natural energy, need to constantly guard themselves, lest their minds become diseased, and they give up to supposed disease, when none really exists. It is slow murder for persons to confine themselves days, weeks and months in doors, with but little out-door exercise.
      Others are too active in body and mind. The mind of such must rest as well as the body, and without it, will be overworked, and the constitution must break down. Satan exults to see the human family plunging themselves deeper, and deeper, into suffering and misery. He knows that persons who have wrong habits, and unsound bodies, cannot serve God so earnestly, perseveringly and purely as though sound. A diseased body affects the brain. With the mind we serve the Lord. The head is the capitol of the body. If the finger is pricked, the nerves, like the telegraphic wires, bear the intelligence immediately to the brain. Satan triumphs in the ruinous work he causes by leading the human family to indulge in habits which destroy themselves, and one another; for by this means he is robbing God of the service due him.
      In order to preserve health, temperance in all things is necessary. Temperance in labor, temperance in eating and drinking. Because of intemperance a great amount of misery has been brought upon the human family. The eating of pork has produced scrofula, leprosy and cancerous humors. Pork-eating is still causing the most intense suffering to the human race. Depraved appetites crave those things which are the most injurious to health. The curse, which has rested heavily upon the earth, and has been felt by the whole race of mankind, has also been felt by the animals. The beasts have degenerated is size, and length of years. They have been made to suffer more than they otherwise would by the wrong habits of man.
      There are but a few animals that are free from disease. They have been made to suffer greatly for the want of light, pure air, and wholesome food. When they are fattened, they are often confined in close stables, and are not permitted to exercise, and to have free circulation of air. Many poor animals are left to breathe the poison of filth which is left in barns and stables. Their lungs will not long remain healthy while inhaling such impurities. Disease is conveyed to the liver, and the entire system of the animal is diseased. They are killed, and prepared for the market, and people eat freely of this poisonous animal food. Much disease is caused in this manner. But people cannot be made to believe that it is the meat they have eaten, which has poisoned their blood, and caused their sufferings.
      Many die of disease caused wholly by meat-eating, yet the world does not seem to be the wiser. Animals are frequently killed that have been driven quite a distance for the slaughter. Their blood has become heated. They are full of flesh, and have been deprived of healthy exercise, and when they have to travel far, they become surfeited, and exhausted, and in that condition are killed for market. Their blood is highly inflamed, and those who eat of their meat, eat poison. Some are not immediately affected, while others are attacked with severe pain, and die from fever, cholera, or some unknown disease. Very many animals are sold for the city market known to be diseased by those who have sold them, and those who buy them are not always ignorant of the matter. Especially in larger cities this is practiced to a great extent, and meat-eaters know not that they are eating diseased animals